Wednesday, November 3, 2010

They're baaaack...

As you might imagine, I’m dismayed by the outcome of the national elections. The ’Pubs were sullen & strident as the minority in Congress, concentrating on blocking any legislation that might move the country out of this greed-induced economic depression. Now they’re predictably claiming a mandate to trample on everything that slipped through their claws in the past two years.

The tone has been set by House Speaker-presumptive John Boehner, who essentially took out his willie & waved it in wide arcs while trumpeting that there’ll be no compromise with the President…on anything.

I knew this was getting ugly when in the past couple of days I saw the “Chinese Professor” ad, by some group calling itself “Citizens Against Government Waste”. Their site, which I’ll let you find for yourself, claims they’re non-partisan, but this racist Commies-are-set-to-enslave-us message has to come from the vicinity of those wonderful folks who brought us Sarah Palin & bad imitation powdered wigs.

So it doesn’t bode well for civility in any area of government or public life for the next two years.

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