Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Adding up

A few random examples of how the art of written communication is going straight to hell in a hand cart.

First--an advert on the back of a Safeway receipt:

From the same tape an ad for a local spa:

There's a little blurb on another receipt assuring advertisers that they'll "be seen 100,000 times a month!" via this medium. Maybe local businesses just don't care that they look ignorant 100,000 views per month.

But it doesn't stop there. Here's an ad from the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle's food & wine section:

This illustrates one of my personal bugaboos: using the possessive (you know, the thing with the apostrophe) for the plural.

But even if the restaurant's marketer or ad agency couldn't tell the difference, doesn't the Chronicle have editors?

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