Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New career field

Okay, for obvious reasons I’m looking for tidbits to distract my thoughts from an OR at Loma Linda Hospital this morning. So God bless the decline in standards of communication that would produce this employment enticement on LinkedIn.

She apparently ignored spellcheck (which we all know can still produce some howlers) to get the “colllege”. But what made me snort my Panera coffee was the “costumer service environment”.

Costumer service must be a new, up & coming field. I do have concerns about whether it’s a seasonal type of thing—heavy around now, but what do you do November through September? What skills are needed for this career? Sewing? Sequins? Being able to find the gear for a Village People revival in under 10 minutes?

& I’m also curious about the location—costumes are huge in Anchorage? Must be, if there’s “exponencial [sic] growth potential”. , But they must have firm foundations in the form of BVDs, or maybe electric socks.

Finally, I wonder about the final sentence that literally drifts off… Usually you see the “…” when there’s a link to a full listing. Sadly, in this case, what you see is all you get.

I looked up the poster, a “national recruiter” for an agency in San Diego. Here’s the corker: she has a degree (May 2010) in “Integrated Marketing Communications”.

I rest my case.

But although I have to question an academic institution that gives a degree in any form of communications to someone who has such a loose grip on the fundamentals, I still thank Nadine for making me smile.

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