Monday, August 30, 2010

Moving on (Pt. 12)

Well, I’m pretty well moved in. I’ve given up on finding the bedroom lamp or the spice rack; & I guess I’ll spend the next ten months with only two saucepans (a 1-quart & a 2-quart with a lid) to cook in. I’m assuming all that kit is in cartons in the storage space, but they’re blocked in by about 20 boxes of books, so they’re not coming out until I move again.

The claims adjuster’s been here to assess the damage the movers did. (Did I mention that they just jumbled all my film cameras together in a box—without bothering to wrap a single one of them? Or that they packed opened bottles of things like vanilla & vinegar on their sides, so that even with the lids taped up they leaked?)

A friend stopping by on his way back from Seattle to LA helped me get rid of the broken bookcase—manhandled it next to one of the complex’s recycling dumpsters. Dunno what to think of this, but by next day the case was gone. Could someone have taken it for firewood? Can you burn that stuff?

So I guess I’m here. I’m working on getting street legal & in about five weeks my Seattle house will belong to another person who’s moving on—getting a divorce.

Seems fitting.

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