Tuesday, April 6, 2010

News of the weird

Well, as we move into one of the two inevitabilities (paying taxes), it turns out that a couple of women in the UK were trying to push the envelope on that whole death thing.

They tried to get a corpse onto an easyJet flight from Manchester, UK, to Berlin.

Evidently it’s cheaper to buy a ticket for a cabin passenger than the cost of freight for a coffin—although you’ll have more room in the coffin than a seat.

But then there’s all that paperwork. I imagine that between them, the UK & Germany could keep you filling out forms for hours on something like this.

I’m wondering what the passenger experience would have been sitting next to a person who’d been dead for some days. Bodily decomposition is every bit as inevitable as death & taxes, after all.

easyJet is one of the pioneer no-frills airline, but even so, that’s a bit of a downer as you’re heading out for your all-inclusive hol in your flip-flops & Bermuda shorts & you discover that the miserable git next to you who won’t help hand over the drinks isn’t a jerk, he’s a corpse.

Would never happen on US carrier because you’d have an entire planeload of lawsuits filed the instant the wheels touched down, for emotional trauma, pain & suffering & the obvious need for aromatherapy treatments.

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