Friday, March 5, 2010

We choked

Well, just when I thought there was hope of taking the actual, you know, moral high ground, the Obama administration and Congress display every indication of having a spinectomy.

We are not, after all, going to call a spade a spade—or genocide, genocide—when the shovelers are an alleged ally.

It really doesn’t matter what the political jellyfish do or don’t have the cojones to admit: the founders of the so-called Turkish republic used the slaughter of 1.5 million unarmed Armenian subjects of the old Ottoman Empire to build the “modern” state that we know and have no reason to trust today.

They were murderous criminals then and have—like the Nazis—repeatedly denied ever since that they did anything wrong.

It’s certainly proved to be a successful strategy, as long as those who purport to be upholders of democracy and the rule of law are willing to wink and sign another aid treaty.

As one of my all-time favorite poets said so accurately:

“a politician is an arse upon
which everyone has sat except a man”

e.e. cummings called a spade a spade.

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