Friday, February 5, 2010

Spirits among us

Well, dunno what to make of this story from NPR about shifts in liquor consumption.

Seems sales of spirits rose last year, but mostly because people are going for the cheap stuff and shunning the high-end.

So that means Scoresby instead of Glen Garioch, Sauza instead of 1800 AƱejo.

Does this indicate the triumph of American adaptation to hard times or of an innate preference for quantity over quality?

I mean—we’re talking nationwide sales, not just frat houses.

Me? Well I’ve bought pretty much nothing in the way of spirits since I moved to Washington and I discovered that there was indeed a place that offered higher prices and less selection than the state-run liquor stores of Virginia. I did buy 500ml of Tanqueray last month, but that was for a recipe for flank steak with gin and spice sauce.

But posting this has given me a thirst. I think I’ll have just a wee dram of the Speyburn I brought with me.

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