Thursday, November 26, 2009


So, I realized this morning that in the US it's Thanksgiving. Here’s what I’m thankful for:

I’m not spending the day in Seattle.

My cats (my own and one I’m looking after while she’s waiting out her rabies test period before moving to the UK) are okay and not ripping out each other’s fur.

I’m fit enough to walk 13k-14k steps per day.

I found the hotel today, in the heart of Bordeaux. (And didn’t get a ticket or clipped by another car when I parked illegally for a few minutes on a street that’s narrow enough that a six-year-old could spit across it.)

I had a glass of champagne with lunch, which also included a warm chevre salad and cassis ice cream.

I’ve had quiet hotel rooms and lots and lots of hot water for baths and showers. And (for the most part) fluffy towels I don’t have to wash.

I’ll be heading to Paris tomorrow on the TGV.

I’ve got friends following my journey on this blog.

I’m rediscovering Henry IV/1 and have Part 2 waiting for me at home; and then Henry V.

That all the hotels have had wi-fi, And only one has had the nerve to charge for it.

Upon posting this, I’m sliding into a hot mineral bath, then going for a walk around the city. And I believe there’s a glass or two of Bordeaux out there waiting for me.

Happy Thanksgiving to all—even if you’re not in France.

(Posted at 1705 Thursday, 26 November, Bordeaux)

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