Friday, November 27, 2009

Arrival in Paris

It’s Black Friday in the US, and I’m writing this in my hotel room in Paris. I’m so glad I’m missing all that michegoss, although the Net does keep you apprised whether you will or not of all the bargains to be had and how you can actually save more by not going into stores but ordering online.

I took the TGV, Bordeaux-Paris/Montparnasse in a skosh over three hours (stops in Angoulême and Poitiers). It took me four days to drive from Paris to Bordeaux this past week, and 12 to do it n vélo 30 years ago.

There’s nothing like riding in a train at high speed, countryside whizzing past you too fast to really take in to make you contemplative. I’d had a whole list of things to see/do in Paris, but decided that maybe I should just slow down and be here, just as I was on the train.

I’m here for four nights, I don’t have to do anything.

Insight number four: even in Paris I don’t have to rush about at Mach 2.

(Posted at 1632 Friday 27 November, 7ème arrondissement)

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