Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Readin', writin', self-justification

Although you wouldn’t have credited either of them with full functional literacy, two recently ex-governors are cranking out self-serving memoirs geared to vindicate their antics in office.

First off the press is the impeached Rod Blagojevich’s unimaginatively-titled The Governor, due out this month. In it he apparently manages to slag off everyone associated with him or the state of Illinois. Frankly, I can’t even follow the summary of all the he-saids/he-saids; but have a go at it yourself.

Then there’s the poster girl for the neo-cons, Sarah Palin. According to her father, she’s knee deep in writing her own memoirs. She’s been emailing him for details about all the fascinating incidents in her past starring herself. No info on title or when that tome will be unleashed, but you know it’s going to be a best-seller.

Of course, the really big question is: who’s supplying these morons the crayons for their literary efforts.

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