Friday, July 31, 2009

Sleepless yet again

Well, you knew this was coming: there’s been at least one heat-related death in King County, as reported by the Seattle Times. In nearby Tacoma, another man’s death has also been attributed to the ungodly heat that has gone unmitigated here by any real air conditioning.

County officials wring their hands & spout the usual blather about avoiding the direct sun & staying hydrated. They’ve opened several “cooling centers” in King County where you can go during the day primarily; but then you have to go home to your little heat box & try to pass the night somehow.

They’re talking a break in the heat wave today, & it was indeed more temperate as I drove in to work.

Of course “break” is relative: temps are forecast to be in the high 80s. & still no AC.

This place is basically a big bowl of suck. Melted suck.

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