Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sleepless in Seattle

We’re having a heatwave out here, & it’s wiping me out. All this week temps are in the 90s & up to 100.

Hey, chick, you say—it’s summer, whaddaya expect?

What I expect is some semblance of civilization in the form of air conditioning & that is conspicuous by its absence in this berg. The cheap-ass rationale is that it doesn’t get hot enough here to warrant installing it in businesses or residences.

Evidently, despite Seattlites’ pretentions to being the very icons of eco-guardianship, they haven’t heard of global warming. Last year during the week I moved into the Rambler it was over 90 degrees for ten days; no AC there, either.

In Virginia for at least the past 15 years no builder would dream of putting up a house without central air. Even my home, built in the 70s, had it. &, boy, am I jonesing for it now. I got about four hours of fitful sleep last night, & don’t have any reasonable prospect of more through Thursday at least.

I suppose this balances out December when you had to go in to work because that building had power & heat, & your house didn’t.

How many ways can this place blow?

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