Friday, July 17, 2009

Just when you thought it was safe

I’m not going to say that I’m astounded by this story in the WSJ, because I’m an adherent of H.L. Mencken’s dictum that nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

Even, evidently, MBAs.

Fortunately, my employer has cancelled the company picnic this year, due to belt-tightening, so I don’t have to lay out a sartorial strategy. But I recall very well a former employer’s sales conference in Cyprus, where the event planners arranged all sorts of group water activities that required swimsuits (or else getting drenched in your civvies).

I went off to see the antiquities. Much preferable to viewing my Euro colleagues in the near-buff. & soaked.

As it was, they were plastered pretty much all the time. Which is probably the case at these company outings described by the Journal reporter.

At any rate, I offer it as something for you to take under consideration in your climb up the corporate ladder.


  1. This is the same reason I don't take advantage of the fitness center at my workplace, even though membership is about 50% subsidized as a perk (and a way to keep health care insurance down by keeping us fitter). While I would love for some of the corporate bullies to see how I can pump iron, I won't do it in front of them in workout clothes. Unless you work in the fitness industry, even discreet full coverage yoga wear will compromise how you're viewed back in the office.

  2. Dunno whether I should share this, but one of my colleagues described running across our CEO in the men's locker room of the fitness center our company subsidizes, al-buffo, brushing his teeth. I didn't even see it with my own eyes, but it's affected my vision of this guy ever since.
