Thursday, July 2, 2009

Emerald City Blues

Life in the Third World continues.

I finally have a refrigerator in place, although it took four weeks and two vendors to manage it. Now to get the builder to touch up the delivery scuffs & gouges in the stairwells, which were clearly designed without imagining that someone would want to move anything into the house.

Next in line: get the Sears charges for appliances removed from my AmEx account. They shouldn't have been applied to begin with because Sears received the money from the builder on 10 June, but six emails and three phone calls still haven't resulted in any, you know, action. I've finally sicced AmEx on them by disputing the charges.

Also, despite four calls to Seattle City Light (including one from the builder), I still don't have my garbage/recycling bins, so I continue to make early morning runs to dumpsters. (And, BTW, yes--the light company also provides water, sewer and trash; although apparently not in a timely manner.) I'm not going to be happy about them when they finally arrive anyhow: seems the trash bin isn't a bin at all, but a box, which I'll have to carry to the pick-up point. Which is more than 100 meters from my actual house.

Seriously--when people assured me I'd love the PNW because "people are so laid back", they had to have been referring to service providers.

Don't have approved trash receptacles? Just hang on to the trash until we get around to it.

One more indignity (I was going to say "final", but I've no doubt that Seattle has many, many more in store): my final water bill ($172 for 60 days; in Virginia it was $25/quarter) from the City of Bellevue contains a $10 "additional charge".

It's for "final bill".

Pity I didn't bring the gelignite with me.

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