Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Time, gentlemen

Oh, my fur & whiskers—Eric Felten is hanging up his booze spurs.

Even though he thinks Laphroaig is fit for anything but cleaning out your crankcase, & that vodka is fit for nothing but cleaning out your crankcase, he’s always come up with interesting stuff about spirits & cocktails.

(I did have a Lemon Drop once; the folks at the booth next to ours at a high-tech trade show were offering “martinis” & cookies, & on my last day of booth duty I opted for the Lemon Drop. It was something Hercule Poirot would have enjoyed.)

Seems he’s moving on to American culture as a whole. Although I’d think you’d get a pretty good grasp on that from a bar stool.

He says he’ll still write the occasional drinks column, but it’s going to be a long, dry summer.

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