Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another one bites the dust

Well, well, well—seems that, while justice is still a dream, the law still has some edge on her sword.

US District Court Judge Denny Chin sentenced Bernie Madoff to 150 years in prison for running the largest (so far) Ponzi scheme in US history. This is the full sentence demanded by the prosecution & 12.5 times what Madoff’s attorneys had suggested as a “reasonable” term.

Still not enough for the hundreds of victims of Madoff’s scheme, but I guess it’s a start. & because Madoff pleaded guilty there’s no way that death can vacate the verdict, as it did with Kenny Lay, of Enron fame. (I still want them to dig him up to make sure the bastard’s actually dead.)

Let’s hope the rest of the greed-a-rama set on Wall Street pays attention.

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