Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taxing situation

Today being Tax Day, I hope you’re all timely & accurate in your filing. You don't want to appear in one of those cheesy cable commercials for law firms that bail out chiseling deadbeat taxpayers who brag about owing $350,000 & getting away with paying only $8500, do you?

(Am I the only person who wonders why I'm paying all I owe when these guys not only shortchange everyone around them but brag about it on national TV?)

After all, your country needs every penny you have to hand over to the corporate big boys who have been getting any manner of tax breaks (corporate income taxes? You kidding?) for decades, but still have managed to drive their businesses & our economy seven klicks into the earth’s mantle.

What the hell—may you have enough left over for at least a pint down at your local. If ever there’s a day for drowning your sorrows, this is it.

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