Thursday, April 23, 2009

Freddie CFO suicide

You’ve probably heard that the acting CFO of Freddie Mac has apparently committed suicide. David Kellermann, 41, who took over the post last September, was found by his wife after hanging himself in their Reston, VA home.

He didn’t leave a note, so as of this writing, we don’t know the cause of his action. Could have been his Freddie work, despair over his stock portfolio or losing the power table at Morton’s.

A Euro friend of mine commented that this seems to be happening “more & more” in the corporate world.

Alas, I don’t see it.

To commit suicide you have to feel remorse.

To feel remorse you have to have a conscience.

To become a C-level at a major corporation you have to have your conscience surgically removed or chemically shrunk.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Senator Grassley is feeling any regret right now for recommending that a few executives either resign or kill themselves
