Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Don't tell PETA

The other day it so happened that I had half a small order of Wendy’s fries left over from lunch. I thought I’d take it home to feed to the birds—didn’t know if it constituted bird abuse, but I just didn’t want to waste food.

I broke them up and tossed them on a tree-slab table in the side yard. Within 30 minutes, two crows showed up.

Now, I expected them to probably scarf down the fries, but I’d envisioned them pecking them one by one (or two) and chucking them down their gullets right there.

Instead what happened was they’d scoop up about five or six fries at a time, fly off somewhere for about 40 seconds & then return to scoop up another four or five. The yellow fries sticking out either side of their black beaks just cracked me up.

The potatoes were gone inside of five minutes, and I was laughing for some time thereafter. Don't know if they were taking the food to a family or just going off to gorge in secret.

I tried to balance this out by cutting up an apple and setting it in the same place. The pieces stayed there for more than 24 hours, although they eventually did disappear. (By contrast, I’d put out a rice-based salad from PCC Markets that stayed there for several days. Not even the squirrels would touch it & they pretty much eat everything. I finally had to brush it all up & put it in the trash.)

I don’t know whether birds suffer from cholesterol ailments, but I’m planning on getting a whole (small) order of fries just for my feathered friends. I hope I don’t start an epidemic of corvid obesity.

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