Thursday, February 26, 2009

OctoMom Report, Week 4

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer had a whole page o’ OctoMom today—two AP stories about Nadia Suleman.

The first documents Suleman’s segue from miracle mom to pregnancy pariah. According to a USC sociologist, the backlash is partly laid at the door of people who’ve lost their job or a loved one died or is in jail, & that’s why they’re pissed off at her going back repeatedly to the well of artificial insemination.

Well, not so much. I’m in none of those categories & I’m still outraged—not so much at her, because she’s obviously a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but at the MD who kept filling her womb with embryos.

I got a kick out of the YouTube video on Suleman. This is the sort of thing DARPA must have been thinking of when they invented the Internet.

The PI also had a story about Oprah’s interview with Ed Doud, Suleman’s father. He claims that his daughter’s interview with Ann Curry on NBC was “under duress”. Evidently being tempted by a national news network to babble witlessly is somehow analogous to being forced to sing disco at knifepoint.

But the corker for today is the announcement that porn distributor Vivid Entertainment has offered Suleman $1M to star in a skin flick.

Of course, even assuming that the cool mil is net, that’s just the hospital fees for the birth of the octuplets last month.


1 comment:

  1. I count on this blog to keep me current on OctoMom, since I tend not to recognize the stories about her from quickly scanned headlines. I'm not in any of the categories, either, by which that (Seattle?) paper 'splained away the outrage this misbegotten misbegetter has evoked.
