Monday, January 26, 2009

Year of the Ox

Happy New Year!


Yes, the Year of the Rat is over, and we are entering into the Year of the Ox.

I’m not much of a believer in the characteristics allegedly conferred upon those born in the Chinese zodiacal years—after all, millions and millions of Chinese are born in a single year; they can’t all be common personalities. And I certainly don’t see me fitting into the list assigned to my year.

But last year really was infested with rats, wasn’t it? AIG, GM, WaMu, people who took out loans they had no hope of repaying—oh, the list is way too long to set down again. You know who they are anyhow.

This Year of the Ox is predicted to be a hunkered-down one, where we reap what’s been sown in the Year of the Rat. So no surprises there.

I know westerners welcomed the new year on the 1st; but 2008 was such a ratty 366 days, it wouldn’t hurt to have a good scrub down again, just to be sure.

Appease the Kitchen God, clean out all those dust bunnies, hang the red banners and light a few sparklers. Make sure you stomp that ratty old year out of existence.

Kung hei fat choi!

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