Thursday, January 15, 2009

Third finger salute

Oh, those droll academics—they’re at it again. According to a BBC story scientists at Cambridge University “found that financial traders whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers make the most money.

& the determining factor is in utero exposure to testosterone, which could improve “rapid decision-making skills”, & of course is linked tightly with aggressive behavior.

& the delta between the long-ring-fingered & the long-index-fingered is substantial: £838K as opposed to £154K on average (for the experienced set).

What’s interesting about this study & the story is that the assumption seems to be that only males are financial traders, because that’s who was studied.

At the very bottom of the story, a Belgian researcher from a similar study (which indicates that the long-ring-fingered set cling more tightly to their dough; although I’m not understanding how the study worked, since the stinginess was “after watching aggressive movies”. Who hits up a guy coming out of a Rambo movie for a donation to Amnesty International?) mumbled that this longer ring finger phenomenon might apply to women, too.

But of course that aspect isn’t worth studying at length or writing about.

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