Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hail to the Chief

As you would expect, the WSJ’s resident beverage columnists have recommendations for liquid aids for celebrating the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

Wine columnists Dorothy J. Gaiter & John Brecher naturally focus on American sparklers. I don’t understand why they didn’t include Roederer Estate amongst their recommendations, especially if they singled out Schramsburg’s Mirabelle instead of their Blanc de Noirs. But, as Leonard Wibberley was wont to remark, de gustibus non est disputandum.

Of course Eric Felten takes us down a more bibulous inaugural history & gives a couple of pointers on local taverns where you could find suitable potables if you happen to be in DC for the event.

(Assuming you can actually get close enough to the bar to place an order. I have a feeling you’d be better off carrying a flask.)

It’s interesting that Felten cites the handover from (JQ) Adams to Jackson as an example of free-handed liquid hospitality. The reference is certainly apt:

Jackson was swept into office as a representative of we-the-people who would bring change to the country. Adams stood for the Old Guard, who hadn’t kept up with the times or the needs of the growing nation. The effusiveness of the crowds who followed Old Hickory to the White House were viewed a clear signs of America headed straight to a populist hell by Adams supporters. The Jacksonians, on the other hand, felt the field of possibilities & hope was wide open for the first time in, well, a long time.

So the parallels are self-evident.

Whether you’re a Champagne sipper or a Black-Jack-rocks fan, this is truly an occasion for making the effort to pour the beverage of your choice & drink to the new administration.

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