Thursday, January 8, 2009


In an odd turn of events, I’m headed to the Consumer Electronics Show, that annual excess of coolness in Las Vegas. It’s scaled back this year, due to the economy, so it’ll just be me and 129,999 of my closest acquaintances.

I’ll recount my impressions over the next few days here—you know I’m not going to be commenting on the official stuff so much as the ancillary weirdness.

I got on the roster rather late in the game, & so have to change planes in Portland both today and Sunday—no direct flights.

I’ve never been here, if you know what I mean—only landing and taking off. So imagine my surprise to find a tuxedoed lounge singer with canned music entertaining us in the main…well, area. Very Rat Pack-ish. “It Was a Very Good Year” at the moment.

And this being PNW, of course there’s free Wi-Fi. So I’ll do the PNW thing and post in-transit.

More on CES as time permits.

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