Tuesday, December 30, 2008


As is only proper this time of year, Eric Felten writes about the history of hangover cures. I have to say I don’t think much of his offering; but then I’m not much of a raw-egg fan. Unless it’s in Hollandaise.

This got me thinking, so I had a little root around the Web. A quick Google turned up 749,000 results on “hangover cures”, 517,000 on “hangover remedies” and 424,000 on “hangover cures that work”.

Obviously it’s a subject of great interest to the masses.

Wikipedia gives the overview on causes, symptoms, chemistry and some cures. Evidently enough of Wall Street’s high flyers have post-pissup constricted capillaries that Forbes has weighed in. There is more than one site with prophylactic as well as remedial suggestions such as these. And there are apparently even green cures.

Well, whatever.

Me—I believe Robert Benchley’s dictum (and there was a man who knew from hangovers): “The only cure for a real hangover is death.”

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