Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Haunted by the past

Well, I don’t know whether to be impressed or completely creeped out.

About 17 years ago I took a programming class at Wake Tech CC (that would be in Raleigh, NC). I haven’t thought about it for at least 15 years.

So imagine my surprise to come home yesterday & find a letter “from the desk of O. Morton Congleton” (I swear I’m not making that up—how could I?), executive director of the Wake Tech CC Foundation, informing me that “Being part of the Wake Tech family has its privileges”.

Well, who knew?

I mean, who knew I was even one of the kinfolk?

The “privilege” in this case is the opportunity to get “significant savings” on car insurance.

Now, what weirds me out here is that I’ve moved at least seven times, to two states & one foreign country, since taking that class. & this solicitation came to me directly at my current address.

The US Postal Service being what it is—how the devil did my family at WFCC track me down?

& how long do you suppose it’ll take for them to start hitting me up for alumni contributions?

1 comment:

  1. Now you get to hear from me in this format! We have no plans to solicit you for $$$$. The Alumni Affinity Program is meant to help our Alumni with different give back to them. I tis also to reconnect with old friends. Would you believe that we have over 60,000 students now on four major Campus's? Go to our website if you will and let us know an interesting fact about attending and your success since. Also, in 2012 we will be having our 50th Anniversary.

