Friday, December 19, 2008

Desperate times call for...bears & bagpipes

¡Ay, Dios mio! The WSJ reports on a thriving part of the Spanish economy: debt collection.

This is an example of getting customer insights through empathy: these companies know precisely what’s going to get the attention of the deadbeats. No need to haul away the Benz in the night or go after someone with semi-automatics. Just threaten them with a bagpiper in a kilt.

I particularly liked the gambit for collecting from bridezilla & her spouse—call up the wedding guests & demand payment from them.

Of course that wouldn’t work in the US—it would just give the bridezillas ideas of out-&-out charging guests for the chicken & cake. Plus extra for the bridesmaids’ dresses & the honeymoon in the Maldives.

As for the Russian tactic—that’s just bear abuse.

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