Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vox populi, vox dei

I'm sitting here, 18 minutes after NBC announced that Barack Obama is to be our 44th President. McCain is conceding (and for once he's admonishing his followers on their poor behavior) with greater grace than he ran his campaign. I knew he had it in him; I'm sorry it took him this long to let it out.

They just splotted the state of Washington blue. I can't think that they've actually counted my vote--not all those black oval blobs, and I was feeling kind of, you know, unimportant about it because the decision was being made without me.

But here's the thing: my vote was there, is there, on record. And if it took them days or weeks to get them all counted, mine would be right there to help shape the future.

I really think we did a good job today. So, well done, America.

Carry on.

1 comment:

  1. Moving from PA to WA pretty much makes me 'just one more in the blue column' for the state's 11 EC votes instead of almost, maybe, something that matters in a swing state.

    On the other hand, just one vote can make a difference in the down-ticket races.

    I like the blobs; electronic voting would be too much like checking out my own groceries at QFC.
