Thursday, November 27, 2008

I see dead turkeys

Okay, I guess this comes under the rubric of Thanksgiving-related events. I’m sure by now you’ve heard about how the ’Pubs’ darling, La Palin, was fulfilling her gubernatorial duties by pardoning a turkey for the holiday.

Only as she gushed on with the cameras running, a turkey-farm worker was slaughtering birds right behind her. (You can view that gruesome video here.)

Because she’s not proved a genius at coming up with rationales for her shortcomings, Dave Letterman has helpfully stepped in to help out.

As a friend of mine from the old country says, you just can't make this stuff up.

1 comment:

  1. I have a follow up to the fresh vs. frozen spinach story: when I was about the same age I greatly embarressed my mother in front of her West Virginia family by announcing that the way you make biscuits is to take the package out of the 'fridge, whack against the counter to open it, and put the prefab biscuits on a cookie sheet to bake. (I probably didn't call them prefab, but everybody understood what I meant...)
