Thursday, November 20, 2008

General Motors & his army

A colleague of mine, who used to own a car with a GM brand, received this from the corporation. Obviously their brains are so constricted from fear of not getting billions & billions from the American taxpayer that they're sending out SOS emails intended for their suppliers to everyone who's ever given them a working address.

It pretty much speaks for itself; but I'll add some commentary anyhow.

Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 1:40:22 AM
Subject: An urgent message to GM suppliers
Because our futures are linked, I want you to know that General Motors is doing everything possible to deal with the impact the financial crisis is having on the domestic auto industry. Yet despite our successful efforts to restructure, reduce costs and enhance liquidity, we are facing an uphill battle with the current administration and Congress in securing a bridge loan.

They're still claiming that it's only the "financial crisis" that's put them in this pickle. If that were the case, why wouldn't every company that's been affected by the meltdown be lined up at the Capitol ready for the corporate dole?

I'd purely like to know how they're defining "successful efforts"--because you'll recall the Big Three have already tapped us for $25B to retool so they can build products the public might want to buy. & GM has been asking for $$ so they can buy Chrysler.

That's why we need your help now. Simply put, we need you to join us to let Congress know that a bridge loan to help U.S. automakers also helps strengthen the U.S. economy and preserve millions of American jobs.

Second reference to this "bridge loan". Apparently what they're after is a really huge payday loan...

Despite what you may be hearing, we are not asking Congress for a bailout but rather a loan that will be repaid.

Oh, comment dit-on en anglais? Merde. (& BTW--the bolding is GM's.)

The consequences of the domestic auto industry collapsing would far exceed the $25 billion loan needed to bridge the current crisis. According to a recent study by the Center for Automotive Research:

Right: the Center for Automotive Research. Located in Ann Arbor, MI; funding source(s) studiously not disclosed. So we can really assume that their findings won't be biased in favor of the industry, can't we?

• One in 10 American jobs depends on U.S. automakers
• Nearly 3 million jobs are at immediate risk
• U.S. personal income could be reduced by $150 billion
• The tax revenue lost over 3 years would be more than $156 billion

One really wants to know the definitions that underpin these catastrophic declarations. For example, what does "depends" mean in the context of "one in 10 jobs depends on US automakers"?

Discussions are now underway in Washington, D.C., concerning loans to support U.S. carmakers. I am asking you to support this vital effort by contacting your representatives.

"Discussions" = "we're giving new meaning to the term 'groveling'".

Please take a few minutes to call your representatives by dialing 1-866-471-5332. Just state your name and address, and your message will reach your legislators. You can review a script that will help you state your support at Under the "Mobilize Now" section, click on "I'm a Supplier." If you would rather e-mail your representatives, use the link "I'm a Concerned American."

& here's the deal: YOU can use these numbers, links & email addresses to contact your Congress-slime & inform them in words of one syllable that you emphatically do NOT want them to fork over so much as a nickel to these corporate panhandlers. You want them to take the consequences of their crap policies & decisions. Just like the rest of us.

Please share this information with friends and family using the link on the site.

Thank you for helping keep our economy viable.

& GM's execs' jobs secure, which is the real point.

Troy Clarke

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The marks of General Motors, its divisions, slogans, emblems, vehicle model names, vehicle body designs and other marks appearing in this email are the trademarks and/or service marks of General Motors Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors. ©2008 GM Corp. Buckle up, America!

General Motors Corporation
100 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48265

FYI: GM have been urging similar "Congressional communications" on their US employees.

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