Friday, September 26, 2008

Wine & politics

Just in time for the debate, which was a near-run thing anyhow, the wine columnists for the WSJ had a taste-off: the wines of Illinois facing off those of Arizona. I found it interesting—and probably more substantial than the actual debate will be. I have no idea where you can buy the subject matter, but I just put this stuff out here to brighten your life.

While we’re on the subject of current events, you may be at a loss as to how to express your reactions to the latest out of Wall Street-Washington to your representatives in the government that got us into this economic pickle. Where to find your Congressman; where to find your Senator.

But here’s a tool where you can compose your thoughts on whatever subject is eating your lunch & quickly & easily bung it over to anyone in the legislative or executive branches. They’re all there in this single place.

BTW, the tool’s on the Web site of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, which you might also find of interest.

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