Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wall Street Blues, Part II

Well, after the shattering of the protective shield around the masters of the universe this week, you knew it was coming: the backbone of the class that have benefited the most from the current administration are having to, gasp, economize.

Oh, the horror!

You have to wonder about people who’ll go on the record as saying they have to tell their youngest daughter that she won’t get the royal cosmetic surgery treatment her three older sisters did because times are hard. Or swapping out caviar & truffles for Waygu beef for a father’s party—not that they’re saving anything, but it looks less extravagant. Do they even listen to what they’re saying?

So I guess those who feed off the conspicuous consumption crowd are also going to be facing lean times. Except, apparently, the high-class equivalent of the pawn shop—those who buy & sell estate jewelry.

This just makes me want to vomit. That woman who was bitching about paying a nanny $1250 per week being too much & looking for a bargain basement substitute—no doubt with a masters in early childhood development? She’s not facing hard times—the woman who’s going to get paid $750 per week to look after her kids (plural), do light housework & be available all the hours God sends is facing hard times. Her choices aren’t whether to buy at Bergdorf’s or Barney’s; they’re whether she should buy food or pay the Con Ed bill.

I swear—we’ve all fallen down the rabbit hole.

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