Saturday, September 13, 2008

Extremely insightful commentary on important election issues

So evidently John McCain’s pick for running mate is already proving to be a counter to the recession caused by the current administration’s whack-job policies.

Apparently perceived (presumably in trailer parks and Republican Women’s Clubs all around the country) as quite the style-setter, Sarah Palin has kick-started what the WSJ refers to as a “buying frenzy” for her fashion choices.

I suppose that counts in some circles as having an economic platform. No doubt it would lend her credibility if the occasion ever arose where she’d need to represent us at a G8 meeting.

I love the marketer at Naughty Monkey shoes, who has plans to work a deal with Palin—quickly—to promote the line of shoes. Obviously a realist, he points out, “We have to capitalize on it pretty soon.”

That’s because if the American electorate finally breaks out of its eight-year fugue, on 5 November Palin’s “style” will be so yesterday.

Meanwhile, I guess we’ll be treated to big hair, loud lipstick & pumps worn sans nylons. (For those with La Palin’s cosmopolitan pedigree, “sans” is a French word meaning “without”. I threw it in to show I’ve read actual, you know, books, & traveled beyond my country’s borders. & I don’t count the plane refueling at Fiji as a visit to that country.)

It’s interesting that the legit fashion industry (by which I mean firms that sell their goods in emporia other than Wal-Mart) has neither interest in nor comments on the candidate’s choices in clothes & accessories. After all, does an Orca really notice a Chihuahua?

(For another take on Palin, I refer you to The Onion, specifically to the beauty pageants she’s won.)

So, in the end, Palin-as-fashionista is every bit as genuine as Palin-as-maverick-fiscal-conservative.

Can you say bogus?

I knew you could.

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