Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Amazon's Customer Service Number

I had occasion today to try to get Amazon to divert a book they’d erroneously sent to my old address. (I tried first with UPS, but naturally—as the mere recipient of the package—I could do nothing about fixing the misdirection.)

I’ve been waiting for this book since I placed the order in April, so as you might imagine I was somewhat torqued off that for some reason the change of address I input to my Amazon account apparently didn’t make it to back-orders.

Anyhow—since their website is specifically built to keep you from contacting actual, you know, humanoids, I Googled “Amazon customer service phone number”, & got it.

& I thought I’d share the love: if you ever want to get some customer service (albeit from India) from Amazon, call 1 800 201 7575.

You’ll thank me for it later.

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