Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Working theory

New workforce study out, reported by The Onion. This should resonate with all three readers of this blog.

Leaving aside the point that it’s satire, it reminds me how obtuse asshole bosses can be. I once worked for a woman who was a blonde version of Dilbert’s pointy-haired boss in every respect: ignorance, self-puffery, paranoia, micromanaging, etc.

Yet she cooked up one of those “team-building” outings to Annapolis, which included several Dilbert videos featuring her alter ego as the example of how not to manage people. It never occurred to her that she herself was the object of derision in those videos.

This is something I've wondered about for years: how is it that some people 1)get hired & 2)remain employed when they display no discernible skills, talent or even basic intelligence? I once expressed to a friend this wonder regarding a particular person when I was working in the film industry. She looked at me in amazement & exclaimed, "But, [Bas Bleu] don't you know that when you can't figure out why someone's in the position they're in, it usually means they have photos!"

Well, perhaps. But I'm reasonably certain that some of them--most, but not all, in management--are too stupid to operate the camera. So I still don't get it.

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