Monday, August 25, 2008

Let the Games Continue

It's really hard to get excited about the presidential conventions this year--we've been so enmired in the campaigns for the past two years (recall that John Edwards took up with his videographer in 2006, for God's sakes) that I've long since lost any enthusiasm for the process.

A colleague of mine chastised me about 18 months ago--he said that electing the President of the United States is an event of world-class importance, worthy of months & months of debating the issues & candidates' qualifications. I suppose he's right, although of course issues are always thin on the ground while "qualifications" usually mean slagging off your competition. But after non-stop campaigns seemingly since the last century, I just feel like the kid at dinner who muttered, "Okay, I'll eat my carrots--but I won't swallow them!"

I suppose it would be interesting to make book on how many Democratic delegates get altitude sickness on the floor. Other than that, I'm predicting utter predictability for the next four days.

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