Friday, August 4, 2023

Moaning his life away

In honor of Captain Capslock’s second federal indictment (bringing the current number of felony charges to 44, plus the 34 felonies he faces in Manhattan), I think today’s earworm has to be Sam Cooke’s immortal “Chain Gang”.

I’m not loopy enough to think that the most criminal president this country has ever known is likely to do anything like hard labor (for the first time in his privileged life), even if convicted. But a girl can dream.



Thursday, August 3, 2023


Okay, I’ve got more pix of the neighbor's outlier hosta. Because the flowers are beautiful and I thought I’d try out the “pro” mode of my mobile phone camera.

I don't know what it does, but I like the photos.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Auto da fé

I had to buy this grip strengthener device for my hand exercises.

I can't get over how much it makes me think it's something the Grand Inquisitor would use when questioning suspected heretics.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Welcome, August!

Well, whaddaya know—the hibiscus shrubs with the gigantic blooms have cousins. Crimson ones that seem to flower later.

 What a gift.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Gratitude Monday: up, down and over

Week 10 and my gratitude is that in the past few days I’ve been able to go up and down stairs mostly without thinking about it. That means: I’m not hesitating every time I raise my left leg to check that it’s not going to scream at me.

Also, last Thursday I was at a town hall held by the People’s Republic’s rep on the Fairfax County board of supervisors and I realized I’d crossed my left leg over my right and it wasn’t painful.

It’s taken me weeks longer to achieve the stairs (evidently my right IT band is not as evil as my left), but I don’t think I was able to cross my legs at the knee for well over two months last time. So I guess it works out.

Anyway—still cause for celebration.